The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving

We always hear “It’s better to give than to receive” and with the holidays right around the corner, let the giving commence!

We are gift givers by nature. Gift giving and exchanges are a tradition that dates back centuries and are usually centered around a happy occasion as an expression of love and caring. Whether a housewarming, hostess or holiday gift, there is so much more to gift-giving than we realize. And, there is much more truth to “It’s better to give than to receive”.

The act of giving gives us connection. While we are expressing our feelings and emotions, it is actually the givers that benefit more from the act. By giving a gift, no matter how simple or extravagant, the giver experiences happiness – happiness about making another feel loved and appreciated, happiness about making another happy. This is part of our DNA.

The art of giving, whether a gift, an heirloom or a simple hug, is actually good for our health! Several scientific studies show that the “warm and fuzzies” is a true feeling that comes from the “feel good” chemicals in our brains, like serotonin. So, when you give, you are also receiving. Whether you choose and give the perfect gift, volunteer where needed or make a charitable donation, these acts of giving, gift the giver with health benefits*, associated with generosity, including:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Lower stress levels
  • Less depression
  • Longer life
  • Greater happiness and satisfaction

With these benefits, suddenly the receiver wants to become the giver and this is something that should be shared!

Looking for giving ideas? Think about the potential recipient. What hobbies does he or she have? Buying for a busy parent on overdrive? Someone who puts everyone else first?

Going to a small holiday gathering? Your host and/or hostess always makes the holiday special; a beautifully decorated home, festive table and handmade desserts? Bring the Holiday Treats Bath Bomb Set. Sweetly-shaped “cookies”, scented with peppermint, vanilla, gingerbread and more, will be a hit with bath bombs, along with a few limited-edition treats, in holiday designs. Tuck in a note of appreciation and remind him or her to enjoy a special bath. They’ve earned it!

Teacher, tutor or trainer? A macaron-shaped, fruit-scented lip balm or ice cream soap with thanks for being so sweet to your child, teen or waistline this year.

Friend that keeps you on track with your diet? Wrap up a deliciously-designed Milkshake Bath Soak, Cupcake Soap or Bubble Scoop Sundae – all calorie-free – to let that friend know how this helped your health and your hips.

Someone special that volunteers at a local animal shelter or another non-profit organization? Help them celebrate the holidays with our Sparkling Lights Bath Bomb Set. Include a note to let them know a donation to their favorite cause has been made in their name. When they soak in a long-overdue bath, with fun and colorful, holiday light-shaped bath bombs, they will think of your wonderful gesture as they relax.

Busy Mom that doesn’t seem to have a minute to herself? Choose a mix-in mask smoothie, loaded with skincare benefits, and maybe a heart-shaped foaming bath bomb and include a “free babysitting” certificate, so she can enjoy a self-care Sunday while you watch the kids.

So, get ready for the gift-giving season, just weeks away. All it takes is a little imagination and some unique treats, for a heartfelt gesture and those feel-good warm and fuzzies.